Sunday, August 16, 2009

Da Vinci The Genius Exhibition at Science Centre

Dear YY
You have told Papa and Mummy that you aspire to be an inventor when you grow up.
This trip is meant for you. Papa thought you might like to see the works of a great inventor, and get some inspirations from there. Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1519) was better known for his Mona Lisa Portrait, or at least to your ignorant Mummy. :)
He was also an inventor, artist, scientist and thinker of all times.
YY, you went into the exhibit well equipped with a notepad and pencil, with every intention to record down the things that interest you. It was timely too as no photographing was allowed in the exhibit hall. What struck Mummy was the first exhibit of Da Vinci. It showed tiny notebook pages that Da Vinci scribbled his ideas and inventions onto. What coincidence!
Dear NN and DD, you were pretty bored as these exhibits were too profound for your understanding.
We explored the other exhibitions in the Science Centre where you 2 younger ones had much more fun. Especially at the eco-garden where the treehouse stood.

Science Experiment showing Hydrogen Gas is Combustible.

Hugs & Kisses

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