Wednesday, August 5, 2009

CM's Excursion - Trip to the S'pore Arts Museum (PreN2)

Dear NN
We went to the SAM with your pre-sch for the An Unbroken Line
The Wu Guanzhong Donation Collection

Papa and Mummy took leave to accompany you for this CM's trip. It happened to be Papa's birthday on this day too!
We reached the school quite late. By then, most of your trip mates had already arrived with their parents. You were quite excited to take the bus and sat pretty still. You actually reminded Papa and Mummy to buckle you up. :)
On the trip there, Ms Lee told Mummy you had been inviting your teachers and classmates to go over to our new place, and even told them that there is swimming pool at our new house. My innocently silly girl. :P
We waited for our turn to be ushered into the museum. The kids were all goofy-ing around and having fun while waiting at the lobby.
As our group was too big, we were split into 2 groups.
Our first stop was the Art Loft for some silkscreen art session.
The kids were taught to use marker pens to draw over silkscreen.
NN, you wanted to draw a frog, so Papa held your hand to trace one. You went on to draw the tiny tadpoles, pond and sky. You even contributed a bunch of grapes for the frog family. :P
It was interested watching the instructor transfer your silkscreen drawing onto a piece of paper, using some special glue after that.
After this, we were ushered into the gallery for the Wu Guangzhong Exhibition on Animals. At that instant, you were getting restless and refused to participate. Gradually when left alone with a piece of paper to record down the animals you saw on the exhibits, you actually explored the exhibited art pieces by yourself and told us what you saw.
It was back to school after this.
On the trip back, you generously offered your sweets to all your teachers.

Hugs & Kisses
P/S: YY, you visited the same art exhibitions at SAM one week earlier with your preschool mates. You enjoyed it very much and even told Mummy what to look out for in the museum. :P

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