Wednesday, December 22, 2010

CM - 2nd Parent Teacher Session Yr 2010

It was time for CM Teachers' feedback again.

Dear NN

Feedback on your Chinese from Li Hong Laoshi
The emphasis is on recognising the parts of the Chinese Characters now.
You are able to recognise some Chinese Characters along the way too.
A mix of simple ones to some very complicated ones
You can read those chinese words in your school chinese readers, although Mummy thinks that it may be due to part memory too.
Next year you will put the parts together and learn them as Chinese Characters.
There will also be more writing.

Li Hong Laoshi is quite pleased with your performance and says that you are a clever and focused girl who learns very fast.

Feedback on your Maths from Ms Adeline

You are being introduced to numbers in their thousand place and being taught simple addition as well.
Ms Adeline feedbacks that you have no problem at all and remains very focused through-out the lessons.

Feedback on your English from Ms Lee

The emphasis is on recognising sight words and blending words using your phonics skills now.
Ms Lee comments that you are already very advanced in this area and are a very confident reader.
It is very obvious that you enjoy reading alot and are always seen with a book in your hand during your freeplay time in school.  Sometimes even during indoor playtime, you will choose reading over cycling/playing....

Feedback on your general behaviour

Your teachers comment that eversince Mummy start to fetch you to and fro from school, your mood in the morning starts to swing.  One day, you can be very happy while the next day you will be pouting when you enter the sch premises.  Ms Adeline and Ms Lee joke that they intend to take photos of the different Nicolle everyday and do up a weather chart on you.  :P
Mummy really hope that you will overcome your separation anxiety very soon.  It is not nice to see a whining Nicolle every morning afterall...

Dear DD

Feedback from Ms Fang and Zhou Laoshi

Both your teachers comment that your attention span in class is quite good and you are able to carry out most of the tasks instructed.  However there are times when you do the least expected (naughty action).  One instance was you lead a few kids to start kicking one of the classmate's leg.  Very naughty of you.  The other instance was inciting Brandon to ""run towards the partition wall in the classroom and throw yourself on it".  When the teachers reprimanded you two and put you on the thinking chairs, Brandon was already wailing loudly.  However you were still laughing happily!  
Your teachers also observe that you are a boy with great pride and dignity.  Not that you are proud.  But whether the teachers reprimand you in front of your friends, you become very upset and refuse to listen.  When they start to pull you to the side and talk to you quietly instead, you are more receptive and sometimes even acknowledge your mistake.

Mummy can see that you 2 enjoy school @ CM very much and hope that you continue to grow and thrive mentally/ academically/ physically in the next few years there before you go on to Primary School.

Some of your MasterPieces from school

Hugs & Kisses

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