Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our 4 kids

Dear YY n NN n DD n xDD

Some recent photos of you 4.

YY, you are progressing very well in your Pri 1 studies, quite consistent in your piano practices, while waiting for your grade 1 practical exam result. You would be pretty stressed this coming month, with the coming school SAs and your grade 1 theory exam.

NN, well done in your reading so far. Now onto Peter & Jane Series Book 6a, and you are automatically picking up other books to read as well. You have started to self learn spelling also. Now we are working on your elementary piano and violin lessons. So far, you are enjoying both instruments now.

DD, we are working on your ABCs and 123s now. You have shown great interest in JieJie's violin too. Papa is teaching you slowly now.

xDD, you have reached a few milestones. You have started to crawl, pull yourself to a standing position in the cot, and sit unsupported now. Your bottom 2 central incisors have sprouted too!

Hugs & Kisses

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