Sunday, November 29, 2009

PTA - Didi Rhaines (PreN 1 )

Dear DD
PTA after only 1 month of preschool may seem too short a time for review.
Your teacher, Fan Laoshi, assured us that you are settling very well in class now.
From the initial stage of crying every morning to the acceptance stage, you took a mere 2 weeks. Something which surprises Mummy. Your KorKor and JieJie had both taken a full one month previously when they first started preschool.

Comments from Fan Laoshi
You understand and follow instructions perfectly.
You are able to get customised to the routine quickly and know when is the time to play and when to concentrate.
Even though you can't speak well now, you are trying to sing along with your teacher, and are able to follow the actions of songs.

You will be promoted to PreN 2 next year after 2 months in PreN 1. Your teachers for next year will be Zhou Laoshi (your JieJie's PreN 2 teacher) and another new english teacher.

Hugs & Kisses

Lately Mummy has been hearing you utter new words, stringing some words to form sentences at home and trying to sing some songs with actions to me as well. Good job. :P

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