Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lilliput Golf

Dear YY and NN

Your Papa is really a dedicated Daddy to all 3 of you. You must always remember this. Be filial and give him due respect at all times. He is always the one to initiate outings for you and expose you to different outdoor activities.
Mummy really gotta hand it to Papa when he said during new year day "Let me bring the 2 to lilliput today, while you go for your haircut".
We had been to Lilliput Golf once, and you kids enjoyed it tremedously. This would be the first time Papa bring you there all on his own. Mummy actually wondered how he could prevent both of you from using the golf clubs as swords. I guessed he managed it quite well as all 3 of you came back unscathed afterall.

Dear DD, you were not in the pictures. We would bring you there when Mummy goes the next time.

Hugs & Kisses

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