Dear DD
This year, you succumbed to this disease again. 2 years in a row.
We had to isolate you from the rest of your siblings and placed you under the care of Grandma in Tampines.
Papa and Mummy took turns to visit you every night after work.
Our house was kinda quiet without your chatter and laughter.
Everyone was glad when you came home after 5 days away.
One good thing came out of this incident. You became potty trained in the day time as a result of those painful and itchy rashes you developed at your nappy area. It was simply too hot and unbearable for you to be in disposables diapers all the time. You requested to wear undies and remembered to ask Grandma to bring you to the toilet each time. Well done, my baby boy.
Hugs & Kisses
P/s: Mummy also officially became one of the stats for HFMD yr 2010, after being infected by you. :(
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